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  • Centrifuge Hettich EBA 200 - Hettich EBA200

Centrifuge Hettich EBA 200 - Hettich EBA200

Update Terakhir
18 / 04 / 2024
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit


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Detail Centrifuge Hettich EBA 200 - Hettich EBA200

The EBA 200 S is a high-performance centrifuge for small volumes of samples. The centrifuge is provided as standard with an 8-place angle rotor to hold centrifuge tubes with a capacity up to 15 ml.

Its maximum RCF is 6,153, so it is ideal for situations where speed is of the essence. Its high performance makes this centrifuge ideal for use in the emergency departments of hospitals. It enables samples for which a short turnaround time is required to be centrifuged rapidly. The plasma / serum is available for analysis after just a few minutes.

Since it can hold a number of different types of centrifuge tube it is highly flexible. Adapters are available for further different types of centrifugation vessels upon request.

Max. capacity: with angle rotor: 8 x 15 ml
Max. speed: 6,000 rpm
Max. RCF: 3.461
Dimensions (H x W x D): 228 x 261 x 353 mm
Weight: Approx. 11 kg
Cooling: Air cooling
Rotor: Angle rotor for 8 x 15 ml included
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